Special Staff of North-West District on August 13, 2022, arrested a Muslim named Sheikh Sikandar in the Jahangirpuri riot case. Sikandar is accused of the attack on the procession on the occasion of Hanuman Jayanti on April 16, 2022, in C-Block of Jahangirpuri in Delhi. Following this clashes broke out in Jahangirpuri, which left eight police personnel and a local resident injured. The case was transferred to the crime branch on April 18, 2022.
A non-bailable warrant (NBW) had been issued against Sikandar, who had been evading arrest since April 17, 2022. Sikandar carried a reward of Rs25,000 upon his arrest. As informed by the police, Sikandar was a scrap collector and had earlier been arrested in a case of murder registered in 2013. Sikandar fled to his native village in Haldia in West Bengal along with his wife and two children in April 2022, after he was identified by the police through CCTV footage and his name emerged as one of the key rioters.
As informed by the deputy commissioner of police (north-west) Usha Rangnani, Sikandar was arrested on the morning of August 13, 2022, from Jahangirpuri, a few hours after he returned there after absconding for nearly four months. The deputy commissioner stated:
Our special staff team led by Inspector Amit Kumar received information about the return of Sikandar. The team swiftly conducted a raid and caught him.
As per police, Sikandar has told the police that he had participated in the violence, and pelted stones, and bottles at the Hindu group. Sikandar further told the interrogators that he joined the violence to gain influence and become popular for “protecting the community”.