The Uttarakhand Police have arrested the key accused in the Haldwani violence, Abdul Malik, and two others, a senior police official said.
Inspector General and Police Headquarters spokesperson Nilesh Anand Bharne told The Indian Express that Malik was arrested by Uttarakhand Police from New Delhi. His was the 79th arrest in the case.
DGP Abhinav Kumar has announced a cash reward of Rs 50,000 for the police team involved in Malik’s arrest.
Earlier in the day, Malik’s lawyers had moved an anticipatory bail application in the court of additional district and sessions judge, Haldwani.
Nainital senior superintendent of police (SSP) Prahlad Narayan Meena had earlier said that Malik who was the occupant of the “nazul land” had erected an illegal construction and had led the protest against the demolition.
The Nainital Police has already attached the properties of Abdul Malik and his son Abdul Moid.
The Haldwani Municipal Corporation on February 13 served a notice to Abdul Malik for recovery of ₹2.44 crore for damages to vehicles and equipment of the civic body during the violence on February 8.