On Wednesday, junior world champion Antim Panghal, along with several others, hit the streets to protest against the Indian Olympic Association (IOA) ad-hoc panel’s decision to exempt Bajrang Punia and Vinesh Phogat from the Asian Games trials. The protesting wrestlers assembled at Chhotu Ram Chowk in Haryana’s Hisar, demanding that trials be conducted in all weight categories.
Wrestlers from Baba Laldas Akhada in Hisar and the Chhatrasal Stadium in New Delhi also joined the protest, along with senior citizens from nearby villages.
“We are here to protest against this decision of the IOA ad-hoc panel. We are here today and will decide later in the evening if we have to come back tomorrow,” Panghal’s father, Ram Niwas, told PTI.
Bajrang Punia and Vinesh Phogat had led the wrestlers’ protest at New Delhi’s Jantar Mantar against outgoing WFI chief Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh over alleged sexual harassment.
Panghal, the U-20 world champion in 53kg, has also released a video questioning the ad-hoc panel’ decision to exempt Phogat from the women’s 53 kg freestyle category for the Asian Games. Panghal said that she feels cheated after supporting Bajrang and Vinesh in their dharna in New Delhi against Brij Bhusha.
Lilly Sisai, one of Panghal’s earlier coaches, said that they will stage a dharna at the IG Stadium in New Delhi, where trials will be held on July 22–23, if the exemption isn’t withdrawn.
On Tuesday, the ad-hoc panel has granted Bajrang Punia and Vinesh Phogat direct entries into the Asian Games.