Co-founder and CEO of Ola Bhavish Aggarwal on Monday slammed gender pronouns. In a post on X, he hoped that the pronoun illness does not reach India and urged people to draw a line in following the west blindly.
He talked about LinkedIn’s new Artificial Intelligence (AI) bot and its reference to him with pronouns such as ‘they/ their.’ While answering the question “Who is Bhavish Aggarwal?” the chatbot used “they” and “their” to address the CEO.
“Hoping that this “pronoun illness” doesn’t reach India. Many “big city schools” in India are now teaching it to kids. Also see many CVs with pronouns these days. Need to know where to draw the line in following the west blindly!” Aggarwal said while sharing the screenshot of the AI bot’s answer.
“Screenshot is from LinkedIn’s AI bot. This “pronouns illness” is being perpetuated in India by MNCs without us Indians even realising it,” he added.
“Most of us in India have no clue about politics of this pronouns illness. People do it because it’s become expected in our corporate culture, especially MNCs. Better to send this illness back where it came from. Our culture has always had respect for all. No need for new pronouns,” the Ola co-founder further said.