The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay has instructed its students that it is “inappropriate” to ask other students about their JEE Advanced rank or GATE score or any other information that may reveal caste or other related aspects. Asking rank could appear like “an attempt to find the caste and may set the stage for discrimination,” the guideline says.
“While the students asking the question may feel it is innocent, and it may be driven purely by curiosity, asking the question can often have an adverse impact on the student,” it further reads.
“In order to help the institute achieve an inclusive atmosphere, it is strongly urged that the introduction, interaction or bonding of friends happens through commonalities like departments, sports, music, movies, schools, college, village, city, town, hobbies etc,” the guideline states.
The guideline is circulated among students and also pasted at different locations on campus, especially in the hostel areas.