Kerala Police has registered a case against Union Minister of State Rajeev Chandrasekhar for allegedly promoting religious hatred between different groups.
Reportedly, the case has been filed by the Cyber Cell of the Kerala Police.
The Union Minister has been charged under sections 153 (a) (promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion, race, place of birth, residence) of the Indian Penal Code and section 120 (o) (causing nuisance and violation of public order) of the Kerala Police Act.
As per reports, the Kerala police has registered the FIR on its own in connection with Chandrasekhar’s recent statements on social media regarding the blast in Kochi and Islamic terror group Hamas leader’s virtual address at a Pro- Palestine rally organised by an Islamist group in Malappuram district.
“Price of appeasement politics of Cong and CPM will always be borne by innocents of all communities – That is what history has taught us. Brazen appeasement politics – shameless even by Cong/CPM/UPA/INDI alliance standards to invite Terrorist Hamas to spread hate & call for “Jihad” in Kerala. This is height of irresponsible madness politics. Enough! #HamasTerrorists #KochiTerrorAttacks,” the Union Minister had posted on Facebook on Sunday.