On Wednesday, Union Minister of State for Education Subhas Sarkar said the enrolment of Muslim students in higher education institutions has seen a growth from 17.39 lakh in 2016–17 to 19.22 lakh in 2020–21.
He further said the number of teachers from the Muslim community also increased significantly, to 86,314 in 2020–21 from 67,215 in 2016–17.
These statistics were shared by the Minister in response to a written question in the Rajya Sabha.
“As per the All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE), 2020–21, the enrolment of Muslim students has increased to 19.22 lakh in 2020–21 from 17.39 lakh in 2016–17. The number of teachers from the Muslim community has shown significant increase to 86,314 in 2020–21 from 67,215 in 2016–17, as reported under AISHE, 2020–21,” Sarkar said.
The Minister further added, “The government is encouraging minority students through various initiatives”.
Sarkar also shared that the Union Ministry of Minority Affairs implements three educational empowerment schemes for students from six notified minority communities. These communities include Buddhist, Christian, Jain, Muslim, Sikh, and Zoroastrian.