Former Rajasthan Chief Minister and Congress leader Ashok Gehlot on Friday said PM Modi had an opportunity to send a message against untouchability by getting the consecration at Ayodhya’s Ram temle done by SCs and tribals instead of putting himself at the forefront.
“This was an opportunity to give a message against untouchability by getting the ‘pran pratishtha’ done by the Dalits, tribals, OBCs and people of all religions and keeping Shankaracharya in the front,” Gehlot said.
“The President could go there. Former president Ram Nath Kovind is also from the Dalit community, he would have been called. LK Adavani should have been called,” he added.
The Congress leader said that just like the PM “called for beating thalis” during the Covid pandemic, he should have similarly given the call that there will be no untouchability in the country after January 22.
Gehlot said that the PM’s “aura and respect would increase” by doing this “irrespective of whether anyone likes him or not”.
“I too would like it, but you (Modi) are doing ‘pran pratishtha’ alone,” he added.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi is all set to inaugurate the Ram temple on January 22.