The National Investigating Agency (NIA), has announced cash rewards for those who will provide information on the whereabouts of four absconding Muslims accused in the murder case of Hindu youth Praveen Nettaru. Rupees five lakh reward has been announced for information on Mohammed Mustafa alias Mustafa Paijaru, and MH Thufail. While rupees two lakh reward has been announced for M R Ummer Farooque and Aboobacker Siddique alias painter Siddique alias Gujuri Siddique. The four suspects are also members of the banned Islamist outfit Popular Front of India (PFI).
As per reports, the NIA said that the four suspects have gone underground after committing the crime. The agency further said that even after an extensive search they remain elusive.
On July 26, 2022, Hindu youth Praveen Nettaru was hacked to death in Bellari of Dakshin Kannada district in Karnataka. Two assailants identified as Zakir (29) from Savanoor in Haveri district and Mohammed Shafiq (27) were arrested in July 2022 in the case. The case was then transferred to the NIA on July 29.
The NIA in September 2022 said that investigations have revealed that active members of the banned Islamist outfit PFI had planned and committed the murder of Nettaru. The murder of Nettaru was done as part of a larger conspiracy to strike terror amongst the members of a section of society, the NIA investigation said.