The Rajya Sabha on Thursday passed the Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam (Women’s Reservation Bill) that will reserve one-third of seats for women in Lok Sabha and state Assemblies.
The Bill was passed with a majority voting by all the members of the House: 215 votes in favour and no one against it.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi hailed the passage of the bill, calling it a “defining moment in our nation’s democratic journey.”
“With the passage of the Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam in Parliament, we usher in an era of stronger representation and empowerment for the women of India. This is not merely a legislation; it is a tribute to the countless women who have made our nation. India has been enriched by their resilience and contributions,” PM Modi said in a post on X.
“As we celebrate today, we are reminded of the strength, courage, and indomitable spirit of all the women of our nation. This historic step is a commitment to ensuring their voices are heard even more effectively,” he added.
Earlier, the Lok Sabha passed the bill on Wednesday.