The Allahabad High Court on Thursday allowed a plea by the Hindu side to appoint an advocate commissioner to inspect the disputed structure.
“The Allahabad High Court has allowed our application where we had demanded survey of the disputed structure) by the advocate commissioner. The High Court has rejected the arguments of the Shahi Idgah Masjid…The court has in principle agreed with our demand that an advocate commissioner must be issued,” Vishnu Shankar Jian, the lawyer of the Hindu side, said after the order.
“Who will be the advocate commissioner, whether it will be a 3-member panel, what will be the timing of the advocate commissioner, what will be the modalities—all these things will be decided on December 18,” he further said.
“My demand was that in Shahi Idgah Masjid there are a lot of signs and symbols of the Hindu temple, and to know the actual factual position, an advocate commissioner is required… It’s a big landmark judgement by the court,” Jain added.