A total of six accused have been arrested in Lakhimpur Kheri of Uttar Pradesh in connection with the death of two minor Hindu girls, who were murdered on September 14, 2022. The girls were lured to the farm and raped by Sohail and Junaid. The police have identified Chotu, Hafizul, Karimuddin, and Arif as accused along with Sohail and Junaid. Chotu, who was a neighbor of the girls, had reportedly introduced the two girls to Sohail and Junaid. The dead bodies of the girls were found hanging from a tree in a sugarcane field located about a kilometre away from their house in Nighasan police station limits of Lakhimpur Kheri.
As informed by the SP Lakhimpur Kheri Sanjeev Suman:
The girls were lured to a farm and raped by Sohail and Junaid. After the girls wanted the accused to marry them, Sohail, Hafizul, and Junaid strangulated and killed them. They then called Karimuddin and Arif and hanged the girls to eliminate any proof.
The SP further informed that all the accused persons except Chotu hailed from Lalpur village in Lakhimpur Kheri.